Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No, Dr Renee only focuses on the medical side of the DVA claims process.
Yes, by guiding you through lodging the claims yourself, which is an easy process. (This only applies if you know what areas you would like to claim. If you are unsure what you would like to claim for, we recommend engaging an advocacy service).
We don't review med docs to search for supporting evidence or claimable conditions. Instead, we request that veterans compile any necessary supporting documentation, which may include extracting entries from their med docs. Alternatively, some advocacy services will do this for you.
We can order additional scans at no cost to the veteran.
Permanent Impairment assessments - Yes. Diagnostic / Initial liability Assessments - No (We have recommendations of where you can get these done though).
Not under the scope of this business, however we can recommend Psychiatrists who do DVA assessments without needing a GP referral. Please enquire within.
No, appeals and challenges come under the administrative side of the DVA process. For this, we recommend speaking to DVA directly, or engaging in the services of an advocate. Dr Robarts can however, do medical assessments that DVA issue as part of an appeal process.
Yes, we are able to do telehealth appointments for most assessments.
Treatment of conditions is outside the scope of this non-clinical, medico-legal business.
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